Come prepared and know the rules of Hockey Hold'em.
When you get in the locker room prior to your game there will be 'betting slips' available. There will also be 'submission boxes' available to place your slip into. You MUST place your bet prior to entering the ice surface. A Hockey Hold'em staff member will collect your slips after the game begins. If you DO NOT fill out a slip and place it in the 'submission box' we will assume your bet is ZERO. Please be sure to fill out your 'betting slips' completely.
You are ALWAYS betting on YOUR team's success. You are ALWAYS betting on your team to WIN. If you choose to go ALL IN in game one you can. I have also taken out 300 chips for antes already. You will automatically be betting at least a 100 chip each game.
GAME 1: You can bet up to 1000 chips in your first game. After the first game is completed your chip count will be posted in the lobby. You win and you double the chips you bet, you lose and those chips are gone.
GAME 2 & 3: You will be able to see what your chips available are prior to each game. You cannot bet more chips than what you have available to you. If you do submit an amount over the amount you have available, we will assume you are going ALL IN.
Everyone is betting ALL IN for the finals game. There is no need to fill out slips for the finals.
We also do our best to insure that no one will play with the same goalie more than once, and the same skaters more than twice.
If there is a tie between two (2) or more players at the end of round robin play, the player that paid their deposit first will go to the finals on Sunday. Rule established in 2015.
If your team scores seven (7) goals or more in a game, whether you win or lose, each player will be awarded an additional 100 chips to their chip total. Rule established in 2015.
If your team is able to shutout your opponent, each player will be awarded an additional 100 chips to their chip total. Rule established in 2015.
Prior to each game, your team will have the opportunity to designate one (1) female player on your team to be the QUEEN of the game. If she scores a goal in your game, AND your team is LOSING, she will receive a bonus goal each time she scores. This player must have a PINK sticker on the top/front portion of their helmet. eg. Score 4-3, Lady Luck scores for the team with 3 goals the new score is 4-5. Rule established in 2016.
In order to increase the competition between goalies, we have added a special rule just for them. The winning goalie will receive a bonus 100 chips for winning the game and an additional 100 chips for each goal he/she wins by. eg. Final score is 5-2, the winning goalie receives 100 chips for the win, and an extra 300 chips to their total for the goal differential (+3). Rule established in 2016, updated 2017.
If multiple players make it to the championship game that have the opportunity to go for back-to-back championships, or share the same amount of Hockey Hold'em titles they will be separated. Family/Relationships will play together until they win. Once they win together; one player will play for one team, the other will play for the other team. Unfortunately, this also means that siblings/family members, significant others, husbands and wives will represent different teams. Rule established in 2017.
If a player is unable to participate in a game, and will be "vacant" from the tournament due to personal reasons or injury, AEA will find a sub for them to participate in their place. The sub is playing for "free" and is not allowed to bet for themselves or the "vacant" player. The "vacant" player also cannot win any chips during that game as well, no matter the outcome. Rule established in 2018.
You may now get registered for Hockey Hold'em XI. Tournament links, dates and details can be found here.
2024 | Breakdown of all the scores, news and highlights of Hockey Hold'em X.
Hockey Hold'em presents the annual Kan Jam Tournament for deciphering how "bonus" chips will be paid out.
2023 | Breakdown of all the scores, news and highlights of Hockey Hold'em IX.
2022 | Breakdown of all the scores, news and highlights of Hockey Hold'em VIII
2021 | Breakdown of all the scores, news and highlights of Hockey Hold'em VII.
2020 | Breakdown of all the scores, news and highlights of Hockey Hold'em VII.
2019 | Celebrating 5 Years! Breakdown of all the scores, news and highlights of Hockey Hold'em V.
2018 | Breakdown of all the scores, news and highlights of Hockey Hold'em IV.
2017 | Breakdown of all the scores, news and highlights of Hockey Hold'em III.
2016 | Breakdown of all the scores, news and highlights of Hockey Hold'em II.
2015 | Breakdown of all the scores, news and highlights from the inaugural Hockey Hold'em tournament.
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